Energy Efficiency Facts

Energy Efficiency Facts

Having good insulation in Tucson, AZ is critical for every homeowner. The insulation in your home is your last line of defense against heat transfer between your home and the outside air. Here at Goettl Good Guys, we offer complete air conditioning services and insulation to residents of Tucson, AZ. We wanted to alert our…

AC Repair Warning Signs: Strange Sounds

AC Repair Warning Signs: Strange Sounds

When it comes to living comfortably in our area, your air conditioning system is a major player. With weather as hot as ours is for much of the year, your air conditioner is going to be putting in a lot of working hours. That is exactly why it is so important that you take every…

How To Improve The Efficiency Of Your AC System

How To Improve The Efficiency Of Your AC System

Homeowners in Phoenix are always looking for ways to improve the efficiency of their AC systems. Because of the high temperatures and long summer, the energy costs of running your air conditioning all summer long can be high. But while we cannot control how much our energy costs, we can control how that energy is…

What Does the Refrigerant Phaseout Mean for Me?

What Does the Refrigerant Phaseout Mean for Me?

Many homeowners really take their air conditioning systems for granted, expecting that they’ll just always be there for them when the temperature starts to rise. Now, we’re not suggesting that you start to vocalize your appreciation for all it does to your air conditioner directly. However, we do suggest that you try to establish a…

Short Cycling Is a Serious Issue (for ACs and Heaters Alike!)

Short Cycling Is a Serious Issue (for ACs and Heaters Alike!)

There are some HVAC problems that are bad news across the board. Short cycling is one of the most common issues that homeowners may encounter with their heating and/or air conditioning systems. It is also one of the most problematic. Not only does short cycling have a number of potential causes, but it can also negatively…

3 Clear Reasons for Scheduling Air Conditioning Maintenance

3 Clear Reasons for Scheduling Air Conditioning Maintenance

We rely upon our air conditioners a lot in this part of the country, so you need to know that your AC is operating as efficiently as it is effectively. No mechanical system is perfect, of course, and your air conditioner is no exception. That being said, there is one simple way in which you…

Are You Concerned About Your Air Conditioning Performance?

Are You Concerned About Your Air Conditioning Performance?

At Goettl Good Guys, we like to ensure that our customers are completely satisfied with the performance of their air conditioning systems. It gets very hot for a good part of the year here, and you really need to be able to count on your AC to make it through the air conditioning season comfortably….

Air Conditioning Tip 3: Important AC Maintenance Tasks

Air Conditioning Tip 3: Important AC Maintenance Tasks

We all love to flip on the air conditioning when it gets hot here in Arizona. But with all the use that your air conditioning system gets it will likely start to develop small problems and issues. Scheduling regular air conditioning maintenance for your AC system can have tremendous benefits and could potentially reduce the…

Get Your Cooling Tune-Up Done Soon

Get Your Cooling Tune-Up Done Soon

The chilliest weather of the year has already come and gone, for the most part. We may not be back into the soaring heights of summer heat that we will experience in the coming months, but it is certainly warming up around here. Considering the long stretch of very hot weather that lies ahead, it…

Common Contributors to Poor Indoor Air Quality

Common Contributors to Poor Indoor Air Quality

As soon as you hear the word “comfort,” your mind probably jumps right to your air conditioning system. We live in one of the hottest areas of the country, after all, so your home cooling system definitely plays a vital role in keeping you comfortable throughout the much of the year. Secondly, you may think…

Tips for More Efficient Air Conditioning

Tips for More Efficient Air Conditioning

Keeping cool is a major priority around here—the summers are just too hot to take any chances with the overall performance quality of your air conditioning system. Because air conditioning is such a major part of our lives Nevada, many of us scarcely think about it other than setting temperatures at the thermostat. Of course,…

Forced Air Systems Need Fresh Filters

Forced Air Systems Need Fresh Filters

You have no doubt been told that routine HVAC maintenance is an absolute necessity if you are serious about getting the best performance that your home heating and air conditioning systems have to offer. Routine maintenance is a job that only trained professionals can handle, and it is not one that you should ever attempt…