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5 Ways Smart Sensors Can Keep More Money In Your Wallet

As homeowners, we all know the feeling of dread when that monthly utility bill arrives. Between rising energy costs and our ever-growing reliance on electronics, keeping our homes comfortable and powered can feel like an expensive tightrope walk. But what if there was a way to live smart, stay cozy, and save money on your…

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Ultimate Home Maintenance Checklist for Every Season

Maintaining a home year-round can seem daunting, but with the right know-how, it can be a breeze. Check out this episode of Goettl Homeowner Tips to learn how to keep your home in top shape throughout the year. Spring Summer Fall Winter Keep Your Home Happy  With these year-round home maintenance tips, you can keep…

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Trenchless Sewer Repair Made Simple

Nobody likes a yard torn apart for sewer repair. The noise, the mess, and the inconvenience can make it feel like a nightmare. But guess what? There’s a modern solution that eliminates the need for extensive digging. It’s called trenchless sewer repair, and it’s a game-changer for homeowners. Keep reading to learn what trenchless sewer…

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10 Overlooked Home Maintenance Tasks That Could Save You Trouble 

When it comes to homeownership, there’s a lot to keep track of. From paying bills to maintaining the yard, it’s easy to let certain home maintenance tasks slip through the cracks. However, neglecting these tasks can lead to expensive repairs and reduced home value down the road. If you’re looking to protect your investment, keep…

Read More 10 Overlooked Home Maintenance Tasks That Could Save You Trouble 
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Noticing Dust Around Your Home? You May Need This!

Having a layer of dust all over your furniture and floors can drive anyone a little crazy, right? But guess what? That dusty situation might be trying to tell you something important. It could be a signal that the air in your home isn’t as fresh and clean as it should be, and that’s not…

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Winterizing Your Second Home During Snowbird Season

Owning a second home, be it a rental property or a cozy vacation retreat, is a dream for many. As we enter snowbird season, it’s essential to take steps to protect your investment from harsh weather conditions. Winterizing your second home is crucial to ensure its longevity and maintain its value. Read on to explore…

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All About Leaky Ducts: Signs, Symptoms & Solutions

When it comes to our homes, we can often spot visible issues such as leaky roofs, drafty windows, or outdated appliances. But another culprit often goes unnoticed, silently impacting our comfort, energy efficiency, and indoor air quality. We’re talking about leaky ducts!  Read on to learn all about leaky ducts, the common signs to watch…

Read More All About Leaky Ducts: Signs, Symptoms & Solutions
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Don’t Let Plumbing Problems Clog Up Your Holiday Gatherings 

As we enter the holiday season, many of us are planning to host gatherings with family and friends. You work hard to set the menu and get the house looking just right to keep everyone in a festive mood. But with so many people in your home using faucets, flushing toilets, and keeping the kitchen…

Read More Don’t Let Plumbing Problems Clog Up Your Holiday Gatherings 
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Debunking 5 Common Water Myths: The Truth About Drinking Water Contaminants 

Water is essential for life, and access to clean, safe drinking water is a fundamental human right. However, concerns about water quality and the presence of contaminants have led to a flood of information, sometimes conflicting, about what’s in our tap water. Read on as we delve into the truth about drinking water contaminants, dispelling…

Read More Debunking 5 Common Water Myths: The Truth About Drinking Water Contaminants 
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Supercharge Your Home Comfort with a High-Efficiency Furnace

Wondering how to keep your home cozy as the temperature takes a dip and those chilly nights creep in? Well, it all comes down to having a trusted furnace that does the job right. Whether you’ve been noticing inefficiencies with your system or just want an eco-friendly upgrade, it’s the perfect time to think about…

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High Energy Bills? 5 Ways to Cut Costs

Have you noticed an increase in your home energy bills lately? If so, you’re not alone. It happens to all homeowners. While the reasons for the increase can vary, here are the four common culprits to look out for.  

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Mastering Furnace Maintenance: A Comprehensive DIY Guide

At Goettl, trust and expertise are the cornerstones of our reputation. With years of experience in heating systems, our customers have come to depend on our in-depth knowledge, transparent communication, and unwavering commitment to their satisfaction. In this comprehensive DIY guide to furnace maintenance, we share some of the industry secrets that have made us…

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