Is It Time for a Heating Replacement?
If we were to ask you what your first choice would be in terms of a big, exciting purchase, “a new heating system” probably would not be at the top of that list. This is understandable, of course. Heaters aren’t all that exciting to most homeowners in general, and the fact that we live in a pretty warm climate here means that they are not really on our mind all that much. All that being said, though, you are going to need a heating replacement eventually.
When that time comes, work with the Tucson heating professionals that you know you can count on: us! Goettl Air Conditioning Tucson is dedicated to providing our clients with the best experience possible, both in terms of customer service and in the big picture as concerns their ongoing comfort. That is why we want to help you understand when it makes sense to replace your home heating system. Here’s a hint—don’t wait for a complete breakdown before doing so!
Is Your System Getting On in Years?
If so, then replacing it now may definitely make the most sense. In fact, the age of your heater is definitely one of the most important factors to consider when deciding to replace your heater. Remember, even the best heaters that have been rigorously maintained are not going to last forever. At some point, all systems need replacement.
If your heater is very old, it is probably not performing at its previous levels of efficiency and overall performance quality. It may even have been manufactured at a point when energy efficiency standards just were not where they are today. Investing in new equipment now can help you to avoid the inconvenience of a breakdown just when you need your heater the most, and it can help you to start saving money in heating costs right away!
Is Your System Truly Your System?
What we mean by this is whether or not your heater is really the heater that you’d have chosen for yourself. If you have not replaced the heater that you inherited with your home at the time of purchase, for instance, you may not be using the heater that you’d have invested in if building a home from the ground up. It is also possible that you did choose your heater, but that you did so hastily and overlooked an option that you’ve come to realize would have been a better fit.
Yes, it may seem odd to replace a heater that is still functioning just fine, and if the heater is only a few years old then this may not be quite enough to justify a full replacement. If you ask us, though, you really do deserve the best when it comes to your heating experience. That means using the best equipment in terms of your own personal preference, too.
Is Your Heater Reliable?
You are going to need the occasional heating repair. No mechanical system is perfect, after all. That being said, your repair needs should not be very frequent.
If you find yourself scheduling repairs every heating season, or if you need repairs multiple times per season, then you should definitely start weighing your options for system replacement. That’s just too much, and the cost and inconvenience in such a case just are not justified.
G-O-E-T-T-L it’ll keep you cool, but it’s hard to spell.