Can I Tune up My Heater on My Own?
Think about all of the elements in your heating system of which you are aware. If you have a forced-air heating system such as a furnace or heat pump, you probably know that there is a set of ducts and a blower fan. On a furnace, you may also know about the burners and the venting system, and with a heat pump, you may be aware of the refrigerant line and the outdoor fan. On a radiant heating system, you probably know that there is a set of pipes and a boiler. It may seem like all of the major parts of your system would be easy to maintain. But what about all of the components you can’t name? There are dozens of parts in a heating system that must be in top shape in order for the unit to run properly. That’s why it’s always best to trust an expert for a heating tune up every year.
Amateur Tune Ups Can Put Your Home Safety at Risk
If you try to tune up your heater on your own, you may actually put your system, your home, and your family’s health at risk, especially if our unit is fueled by natural gas or propane. There is always the potential for a gas leak or a carbon monoxide risk when you’re dealing with combustion gases, problems which a professional knows how to avoid.
Professionals Are Trained to Recognize Repair Needs
Unfortunately, it can be difficult for the average homeowner to recognize when a component is not functioning the way it’s supposed to. That’s why many heating systems break down before they are due to expire. When you attempt to tune up your heater by yourself, you may not notice if a part is out of place or worn down, and if your system has to wait another year for this part to get any attention, it may fail entirely.
A Maintenance Program Can Help you to Save Money
Only select contractors offer a money-saving maintenance program to clients, but this program can save you hundreds of dollars through the years. Through a maintenance program, you get two annual tune ups which include a thorough cleaning, adjustments, and inspection. This can increase the lifespan of your system, reduce the need for repairs, and improve efficiency.
At Goettl Air Conditioning & Plumbing, our maintenance program include preferred rates, warranties, and priority service. Call us to schedule your next heating tune up.